14 Least Racist States in the USA in 2020

Racism is a phenomena that is present all over the world, so we have to deal with it regularly – therefore we have come up with a new compilation of the 14  least racist states in the USA in 2020. Insider Monkey have made a great reserach again, so this article is a really must-read one.

Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream about the American future, and now we can see that the States changes towards a completely colorblind society – slowly but surely. This list contains great examples when it comes to racial integration an equality, which is a joyful fact. Although the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King is a little far away, as you can still meet racial segregation and discrimination, but the progress can be seen almost everywhere. In this compilation you will find the least racest states, where you can live free of racial inequality.

Racial inequality is unfortunatley not new in the Unitd States, but the most of it was left in the past, and the new millenary has brought lots of changes to all racial minorities across America. You can find states in this article that made really huge progress when it comes to racism. You can see great racial integration in schools and other social institutions as well, but it’s still a long way that the American socitey has to go till it reaches the totally colorblind society.

And now, without a further ado, let’s see the 14 least racest states in the USA in 2020. They are:
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14. Georgia

Georgia is the first southern state on this list. Lately there have been large progress in racial integration and equality, that’s why it really deserves its place in this compilation.

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13. Virginia

Virginia is among the earliest states in the US, and is also one of the least racest. Inhabitants of this state can be proud of their racial integration.

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12. Tennessee

Although it’s a southern state with having a long history of slavery, this state managed to make a remarkably progress when it comes to racial equality.


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11. Delaware

This state may be small in size, but when it comes to racial equality it does not lag behind among the least raciest states in the United States. Inhabitants of Delaware are friendly and welcoming people.


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10. Colorado

Colorado got the tenth place on this list, and although it has a long history of racial violence, they managed to break this tradition. This state has dealt a lot with racial integration and segregation, and all their efforts were successful.

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9. Maryland

Maryland is one of the places to live in, if you want to live in peace and free of racism. In this state racism isn’t tolerated. However, several of the wealthies African Americans live here, too.


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8. Montana

Montana is among the most wonderful states with its natural paradise. What’s more its inhabitants reject racism, and welcome racial equality and integration.

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7. Kentucky

We are half way through our compilaton – Kentucky is the next state. Kentucky made a great progress in accepting racial integration.

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6. Arizona

Here’s Arizona on the sixth place. It is mostly well-known for the famous Grand Canyon, the mile-deep chasm carved by the Colorado River. People in Arizona are totally against racism, so this state is extremely suitable for you if you want to meve here.

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5. West Virginia

West Virginia is in the top five of the least racest states in the USA in 2020. West Virginia is among the most spectacular states with its natural beauty and greenery. People in this state extremely accepting with racial equalities, which makes this state more attractive.

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4. Texas

We hardly need to tell that Texas is among tha largest states in the US, and one of the most influental, too. People in this state adopted the idea of racial equality, therefore they have made a large progress recently. So Texas deserves its fourth place on this list.

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3. Wyoming

Racism in Wyoming was an everyday phenomena for a long time, but nowadays people seem to overcome their prejudice, and now they are against racism with all their hearts.

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2. Hawaii

The beautiful Hawaii stands on the second place on our compilation. People in this state extremely welcome foreigners, they love fun, so racism has no place here.

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1. New Mexico

And now, New Mexico is on the top of the 14 least raciest states in the US in 2020. As a matter of fact, this state is the most racially integrated state in the United States at present. So if you are planning to move to the States, New Mecixo will be the best choice for you.


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